
SKU: DT-0776-01HQ Categories: ,




Time/Size: 18 min/342 MB

When Jamie Lynn accidentally spills wine on Lisa Comshaw’s favorite red dress, Lisa takes her stained dress off and goes ballistic on Jamie’s ass. As Jamie struggles to escape Lisa’s clutches, Lisa pulls up Jamie’s tank top and gouges the slim blonde’s exposed boobs. Jamie is further battered as Lisa straddles her on the sofa. Jamie’s shoes are the next things to go and Lisa continues, punching, choking and squeezing the living daylights out of her hapless prey. Jamie gets some small measure of payback with a waist scissors, but Lisa quickly regains the advantage with a waist scissors of her own. Lisa uses her famed breasts to smother Jamie and the weakening Jamie’s moans drone out pathetically beneath the fleshy mounds. Inevitably, Jamie’s blue jeans are stripped off and Lisa delights in digging her nails into Jamie’s naked crotch. Lisa’s powerful legs squeeze Jamie’s head until the blonde lapses into unconsciousness. But this is far from over. Lisa, content with her victory, revives Jamie, and offers her some wine. However, Lisa is hardly a gracious winner, and crosses the line with one insult too many. Jamie explodes with rage and really gives Lisa a taste of payback that she’ll be tasting for days.