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DT 1412-01 / Time: 22 Minutes

Cherie Deville and Jewell Marceau are coworkers. They absolutely hate each other. Cherie says that Jewell has been acting slutty to steal her clients and worst of all, Jewell has been flirting with the guy that Cherie has a crush on. The ladies wait until after work to have it out. After some yelling and name calling, Cherie pushes Jewell. They are both ready to get physical. They back away and begin to remove clothing. When both women are wearing nothing but their panty hose, they start swinging. As they grab at each other’s large bare breasts they throw flying haymakers at one another’s face. After being dropped to the floor by a powerful right hook, Cherie crawls to Jewell’s legs and uses both hands to rip at Jewell’s designer panty hose. Jewell returns the favor, leading to both girls taking turns at ripping apart their panty hose. Cherie and Jewell get on their knees in front of each other and scratch violently at the breasts and legs of their opponent. The cruel scratching and mauling didn’t stop until both women were completely naked. The fight isn’t over until one of the girls literally passes out from pain and exhaustion. The winner gloats and tells the loser she must now quit her job. I guess we found out who the real employee of the month is.