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Match 1 -Two hard hitting beauties square of in the ring, Onyx shows her dominance early as she gains control of the tall sleek warrior, Hollywood. Our muscular, brunette delicacy secures her power position with some blows to the crotch then proceeds with her assault; corner pounding, body slams, torturous leg locks have Hollywood down and almost out when she turns the tables with a blow to Onyx’s most sensitive area. Now it’s Hollywood’s turn to destroy and she shows more beastliness then we are used to seeing from the fair maiden; battering in the corner, grapevines, but mostly crotch destruction with fist and foot. She carries this to the extreme when from outside the ring she spreads the brunettes warrior’s legs apart, then proceeds to pull her hard into the corner post, thus causing massive pain and carnage to the vulnerable feminine center of poor Onyx. But can hollywood sustain this destruction or will the tough Onyx come back with her own plan for ruination. A great show by two great pros!!

Match 2Sandy is at it again, she just loves beating up these smaller girls, so the sleek Sunset should be ripe for destruction. But wait, for her size Sunset is one of the strongest girls around, her size belies her abnormal strength as Sandy soon finds out, yes this is no walk in the park for the busty blond. Not an ounce of fat on Sunset, you can see her muscles ripple under her taught white flesh as she strains to subdue her larger rival. Sandy has to resort to picking up the smaller girl and slamming her hard into the canvas, then on to more destructive holds, the kind Sandy excels at. Sunset won’t go down with out one hell of a fight, and Sandy loves a good fight – making this a very entertaining match.

Match 3 – Two of the best most beautiful pros ever, Tylene vs Hollywood, these two busty beauties are famous for their pro action, both spending time in famous pro leagues. They start out seeing who has the strongest legs with a contest on the mat, then we are ready for the match, this one is a classic as these ladies strain their one piece suits to the limit. All the holds, throws, punches and even some breast grabs for good measure, but it’s those high flying body slams that really get their blood boiling. Each performs these toes to the ceiling then backs slammed on the mat moves, each trying to our do their opponent – harder, more pain. What a joy watching these legends of beauty and mayhem – two of the best doing what they do best!


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