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SKU: DT-0493-01DL Categories: , ,



Time: 25 minutes

Cheryl is challenged by Sandy to join the Creampuff Club by beating Mia in a match. Cheryl scoffs that she’s already defeated Mia several times and that there’s no need to prove herself by once again beating a “workout dummy”. They both, however, desire to get the championship belt and challenge each other to match. The pink-suited Sandy catches Cheryl in a headlock but Cheryl quickly counters with a painful hammerlock. When Sandy reverses that hold, it’s obvious that we’re in for some intense pro-style action. Cheryl’s feet dangle as she suffers through Sandy’s reverse bearhug. Sandy snarls in pain as Cheryl traps her in a stepover toehold. Head scissors, Boston crabs, wristlocks, and airplane spins are but a few of the great holds these hellcats use until one weary warrior surrenders to a stretching submission.


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