$24.95 $17.47

Classic Blondes Discount - 30% off!
SKU: DT-0682-02HQ Categories: , ,




Time: 31 Minutes

Sandy is challenged by the buxom and experienced Shannan, who starts off strong as she tosses Sandy against the ropes, knocking Sandy down with a clothesline. Shannan presses her advantage with a reverse neck hold, but Sandy soon decks the bosomy brunette with a clothesline of her own, followed by a tight neck scissors. Shannan breaks free to catch Sandy in a waist scissors that is only broken when Sandy twists Shannan’s big toe. Getting back to her feet, Shannan is caught flat-footed by Sandy’s flying dropkick and is pummeled in the corner of the ring with belly blows. Sandy strips off Shannan’s bikini top and chokes the challenger even as she adds to the torment with a standing neck scissors. Shannan flips Sandy to the canvas and snares the big blonde with a camel clutch chinlock that leads to yet another waist scissors. Sandy resorts to desperate measures as she bites her way out and bodyslams Shannan into a matchbook pin. A shoulder pinch further weakens the valiant Shannan and she tries futilely to fight out of Sandy’s mighty sleeper hold. The first fall goes to Sandy, but Shannan really comes on strong in the second, dizzying Sandy with an airplane spin and punching her against the turnbuckle. At the end of this multi-fall battle one big-breasted brawler is left unconscious on the mat—but is it the blonde, or brunette?


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