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Match 1Jenni Czech, one of the most striking blondes to ever grace a mat is back and loving it, she takes on the sleek Russian beauty Gena Gershon, who is not just from Russia but Sibera and even though she is smaller than Jenni, she feels her toughness will prevail. They start out topless and right from the get go we know we are in for a great show, this little Russian is not just gorgeous without an ounce of fat but she is feisty and loves physical contact. The big blonde as usual talks her trash as she goes about woman handling this sleek beauty. They roll around till Jenni gets Gena in a pin and the spunky one tries hard to bite the blondes supple breasts, then Gena squirms her way on top of Jenni where she rides her till she is bucked off. Time for the strong blonde to put on a few killer moves to take care of this little spark plug, a long suffering bow and arrow should do the trick, seeing Gena stretched like this truly shows off her beauty, so lean and sinewed with her perfect skin. And what is this, yes now Gena applies a bow and arrow to the cocky Jenni and it’s her robust figure that gets stretched. Next we have tortuous camel clutches and destroying figure fours. They don’t put everything on like usual but they always apply it with vigor and zest giving us another wild romp with those ever popular Eruo girls !!!!!!!

Match 2 -Two topless beauties in the ring together; Odette Delacroix is new to DT wrestling and wants Karlie Montana to give her some instruction on holds. Karlie decides to show her the great figure four leg hold, first she puts it on the little O then she lets Odette put it on her – only thing is little O has other ideas when it’s time to let it go, she has a secret agenda and now uses this devastating hold to destroy poor Karlie. But she doesn’t know who she’s fooling with because Ms. Montana is about as tough as they come and she takes all this pain till she finds a way to escape – now it’s pay back time and oh does Karlie love to dish it out, especially when a girl deserves it. For her size Odette is quite tough, or at least she can take a lot of pain, as she has proved in matches with a lot of big girls. That’s about all she can do from here on is is take the pain; Karlie uses the corner many times to soften the petit ivory skinned lass, shoulders, slugs and kicks have that little tummy very sore. For holds she uses, camel clutch, abdominal stretch, figure four leg lock, indian death lock and one of my favorites a long over the shoulder back breaker that seems to split the mini warrior in two. It’s one sided destruction as Karlie takes out all her aggression on the sexy little blonde, her pert nipples stay erect as though the pain stimulates her, we know it stimulates Karlie as her beautiful butt and legs flex adding the tension needed to inflict maximum pain !!!!!

Match 3 – Who knew our cat fighters could do so well with pro moves, Danielle Trixie and Prinzzess are in sexy one pieces and wrestling boots, ready to get it on. Prinzzess has even learned to do body slams and oh does she love them as she does them over and over, hard slams the blondes beautiful body. Prinzzess is taking over, this pro stuff is to her liking, but she just can’t leave all those cat moves behind as she pulls Danielle’s breast out and stretches it in a most painful pull. Even Danielle gets in some body slams, wow this is cool, both ladies are getting in the pro game and loving it. Lots of corner destruction with blows to the gut and breasts, these ladies mean business, Prinzzess smiles down at Danielle as she stretches her in super grapevine pin, then cross body pins, camel clutches and even some fireman carries and of course lots of great leg scissors. Who knew girls gone pro would be so much better than girls gone wild !!!!!!


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