KNOCKERS & KNOCKOUTS – Match 1 Part 1 of 2


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SKU: DT-0420-01aHQ Categories: , ,


Quisha vs. Sandy


Time: 17 Minutes/ 309 MB

WE’LL LET THE RING ANNOUNCER set the first one up for you: “Welcome, Ladies and Gentlemen. We have a classic match between two great wrestlers. They have met four times in the ring before, with each of them winning two matches apiece. This will be a one-fall, no-holds-barred pro-style wrestling sudden-death match. Pin fall only. There will be no submissions.” Then the combatants are introduced: two of Double Trouble’s most popular bouncing blonde battlers, Sandy and Quisha. Each girl talks trash to the other, each determined to tear her opponent apart and settle, once and for all, which one of them is worthy of being called champion. The ensuing match turns out to be a mixture of science and savagery as expertly executed pro-style holds like headlocks, wristlocks, full nelsons and snapmares are intermingled with hairpulls, kicks and punches to the stomach, head and, of course those tempting breasts. Just as their flimsy bikini tops cannot reign in their fleshy mounds of overabundance, these two voluptuous veterans likewise hold nothing back in carrying out their personal vendettas. In the end only one bodacious battler gets to claim victory, but it’s one helluva thrill ride to that exhilarating, and enervating, conclusion.


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