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SKU: DT-1395-01HD Categories: ,


Kerri vs. Kym

Time/Size: 22 min / 502 MB

Both girls start out topless and ready to rumble for this impressive grudge match, Kerri Spectrum is ready to impose her superiority over Kymberly Jane, Kym knows she had better be on top of her game to beat the amazing Kerri and that means a sneak attack to get the first control. A quick neck scissor has Kerri’s shapely legs pounding the canvas as Kym’s strong legs tighten and restrict breathing. Finally Kym lets her up and mocks her then hits her hard in the gut and Kerri responds with her own slugs and they are bombs that eventually have Kym down where Kerri puts on her own neck scissors and this one is a real killer, she lies flat on Kym, wraps her arms around Kym’s legs then uses her legs to squeeze her head like a ripe melon about to explode. From this move she shifts into a head scissors that is just too hard to explain but trust me it’s a work of art. This is the beginning of Kerri’s mastery over poor Kym as she moves from one excruciating move to another; waist scissors and head scissors galore – she just loves to watch Kym squirm, Kym’s breasts gyrate from side to side as her gut gets crushed, and Kerri’s beautiful breasts whip across her chest as she rolls from side to side applying pressure. Kerri is so enjoying herself as she makes this beautiful lady her bitch — two beautiful ladies but only one is dominant and oh does she enjoy it – almost as much as you will !!!!!

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